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Referencing (TAFE)

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Some of this material may have been copied [and communicated to you] in accordance with the statutory licence in section 113P of the Copyright Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Do not remove this notice.

Copied Under s113P, 5/01/2017 

Copied Under s113P, American Psychological Association, 2010, Concise rules of APA style, 6th edn, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. 

Copied Under s113P, American Psychological Association, 2010, Publication manual of the American Psychological Association,(6th edn., American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.            

Copied Under s113P, 5/01/2017

Copied Under s113P,, 5/01/2017

Copied Under s113P, 5/01/2017

Copied Under s113P, Pears, R. & Shields, G.J. 2010, Cite them right: the essential referencing guide, 8th edn, Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Copied Under s113P, Digital Transformation Agency (2021) ‘Author–date’, Australian Government Style Manual,, accessed 17 May 2021.

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