Types of images may include:
When referencing an image, include the following four elements:
Locators: Locators (such as Figure 1, Image 1 etc.) are used to identify images whenever they are included as part of the assignment. The locator should be placed below the image and also include a caption. Use 'Image' as a locator for images and 'Figure' as a locator for graphs.
Captions: Captions are used to provide a description of the image used and can include the title of the image. The caption should come after the locator.
In-text citation: For images, your in-text citation will include the creator's name and year of publication in parentheses.
Reference list entry: Your reference list entry includes the full details of the source you are referencing including the creator, date of publication, title and location.
Below is an example of the formatting you would use for any images included in your assignment, the locator, caption and in-text citation would be positioned underneath the image. The first example uses "image" for an image, the second uses "figure" for a graph.
When referring to the image in the text of your assignment, use the same locator.
Locator & Captions
Rule: Image #: Title or description (Photographer as shown in Author Year:page).
Image 2: Photograph of the centre of explosion (Ron as shown in Goodrich 2015:12).
Image 3: Neutral colour (Ross as shown in WGSN 2020).
Image 4: How and why should I groom my dog (as shown in RSPCA Knowledgebase 2022).
In-text Citation
Rule: Photographer's/creator's Title (source author Year:page)
Antonio Martinez Ron's photograph shows the centre of explosion in Hiroshima (Goodrich 2015:21).
Ross's photograph Colour neutral shows that in Hyeres Festival 2019 lot of neutral colour was used.
Some of the benefits are obvious such as keeping the coat tidy, removing knots, and making the coat look well-cared-for (RSPCA Knowledgebase 2022).
Reference List
Rule: Author A or Creator Full Name (Year) Title or description of work [medium], Webpage, Name of Website website, accessed Date Month Year, URL.
WGSN (2020) Colour neutrals Hyeres Festival 2019 [photograph], Women apparel, WGSN website, accessed 20 October 2020, https://www-wgsn-com.tafeqld.idm.oclc.org/content/board_viewer/#/83586/page/7.
Print book as a source of the image:
Rule: Author A or Creator Full Name (Year) Title or description of work [medium], Publisher, Place of Publication.
Draper J (2018) Stitch and pattern [pencil drawing], Batsford, London.
Locator & Captions
Referencing a graph/table:
Locator & Caption
Rule: Graph/Table or Figure number: Description of graph/table. Author A or Organisation (Year).
Graph 1: Increase in air temperate. Australia's changing climate. CSIRO (2021).
In-text Citation
Use the locator within your in-text citation.
Graph 1 shows that air temperature in 2010 has increased significantly.
Reference List
Author A or Organisation (Year) Title, Name of Website website, accessed Day Month Year, URL.
CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) (2021) Australia's changing climate, CSIRO website, accessed 2 June 2022, https://www.csiro.au/en/research/environmental-impacts/climate-change/state-of-the-climate/previous/state-of-the-climate-2018/australias-changing-climate.
Referencing a graph/table you have created using published data from another source:
Locator & Caption
Rule: Figure/graph or table number: Brief explanation of the graph or table. Data obtained from Author A or Name of Agency (Year).
Figure 1: Education data for rest of Qld in 2016 census. Data obtained from ABS (2016).
In-text Citation
Use the locator within your in-text citation.
Figure 1 shows the percentage of population in Queensland who were attending education Institutes in 2016.
Reference List
Rule: Author A or Name of Agency (Year) Title of data set [data set], Name of Website website, accessed Day Month Year, URL.
ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) (2020) 2016 Census quickstats: people demographics & education [data set], ABS website, accessed 23 July 2021, https://quickstats.censusdata.abs.gov.au/census_services/getproduct/census/2016/quickstat/3RQLD?opendocument.
Referencing a graph/table you have created yourself using your own data:
Rule: Figure number: Brief explanation.
Figure 1: Live Chat Statistics for the month of July 2021.
No entry required.