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Referencing (TAFE)

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In-text citation

(Author, Year)

(Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2019)

Author (Year)

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2019)

Reference List

Author, A. A. (Year). Report title (Report No.x ). Publisher. https://xxxxxx

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2019). Australia’s welfare 2019: Data insights (Australia’s welfare series no. 14) (Cat. no. AUS 226). Australian Government. 9e7d-cf7306affbe6/aihw-aus-226.pdf.aspx?inline=true


If the publisher is the same as the author, do not include the publisher (American Psychological Association, 2020). For more examples refer to government reports.


Organisational or governmental report with authors

In-text citation

(Author, Year)

(Fried & Polyakova, 2018)

Author (Year)

Fried and Polyakova (2018)

Reference list

Author, A. A. (Year). Report title (Report No. x). Organisation/agency. https://xxxxxx

Fried, D., & Polyakova, A. (2018, February). Democratic defense against disinformation. Atlantic Council. content/uploads/2018/03/Democratic_Defense_Against_Disinformation_FINAL.pdf

Industry Report eg IBISWorld

The IBISWorld database contains unique content and is updated regularly, include a retrieval statement.

In-text citation

(Author, Year)

(Trinh, 2023)

Reference list

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title. Publisher. Retrieved Month Day, Year from htttps://xxxxx.

Trinh, E. (2023, Nov). IBISWorld industry report: Cafes and coffee shops in Australia (Report No. H4511B). IBISWorld. Retrieved May 16, 2024 from https://my-ibisworld-

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