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Book - Later Editions

Later Editions

Some examples of editions you may have seen are:

  • 4th edition
  • Revised edition
  • 1st American edition
  • Augmented edition
  • third revised edition
  • 1st paperback edition


In-text citation

Rule: (Author Year)

(Parker 2006)

Rule: (Author Year:page number)

(Parker 2006:135)


Reference list

Rule: Author AA (Year) Title of work, x edn, Publisher, Location.

Burchfield RW (2004) Fowler’s modern English usage, 3rd rev. edn, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Dossey BM, Keegan L and Barrere C (2016) Holistic nursing: a handbook for practice, 7th edn, Jones and Bartlett Learning, Burlington.

Parker ME (2006) Nursing theories and nursing practice, 2nd edn, F.A. Davis, Philadelphia.

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