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Referencing (TAFE)


Note: If the author is not known, use the name of the blog in its place.


In-text Citation

Rule: (Author Year of post)

(Rosen 2019)

Rule: Author (Year of post)

Rosen (2019) states the study by Green and Jones was limited to paintings completed by artists-in-residence at the government funded facility and not a true representation.

Reference List


Rule: Author AA (Day Month Year) 'Title of post', Title of Blog, accessed Day Month Year, URL

Yin S (12 April 2016) 'The mysterious machinery of creatures that glow in the deep', Wired Science Blog, accessed 15 November 2016,


No author

ABC (31 January 2020) ‘Cracking the code to Steve Smith's batting success’, ABC, accessed 5 February 2020,

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