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Referencing (TAFE)


If you do not have access to the class notes or material online after the class, reference your notes as a personal communication. 

This format is for material created by TAFE Queensland or your lecturer.

If it is created by someone outside of TAFE Queensland and just linked from Connect than reference it based on the format e.g. YouTube video, website etc.


In-text citation

(Author, Year of publication)

(TAFE Queensland, 2019)

(TAFE Queensland, 2020)

(TAFE Queensland, 2023)

(Adult deterioration detection system, n.d.)


Author (Year of publication)

TAFE Queensland (2019)

TAFE Queensland (2020)

TAFE Queensland (2023)

Adult deterioration detection system (n.d.)


Reference list

Author. (Year). Title of work [Format]. Site Name. https://xxxx

TAFE Queensland. (2019). ACMVET405A Carry out surgical nursing routines [Learner guide]. Connect.

TAFE Queensland. (2020). Effective communication [PowerPoint slides]. Connect.

TAFE Queensland. (2023). Document and report activities and tasks of infection risk [Module content]. Connect.


Document on Connect with no author and date.

Title of work [format]. (Year). Site Name. http://xxxxx

Adult deterioration detection system [PDF document]. (n.d.). Connect.


Indicate the format in square brackets after the title, e.g. [Presentation], [Slides], [Supplementary material].

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