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Referencing (TAFE)

Reference List

The reference list comes at the end of your assignment on a new page and provides the full details of the works you have cited in your assignment. This includes the WHO, WHEN, WHAT and WHERE of your sources.

Generally, this means: 

  • Who = author or authors (this could also be an organisation)
  • When = date of publication 
  • What = title of work (this may include additional details like volume or issue number, depending on resource type)
  • Where = publisher details or URL

It is important that you use the same format consistently in all your references, for example: use of capitals, punctuation and italics as outlined in this guide. This is the same formatting your teacher will be marking against. 

The reference list:   

  • starts on a new page at the end of your assignment 
  • uses the heading References (in the centre)
  • is arranged alphabetically by author's surname, the organisation's name or title of the source where author is unknown.
  • if you have more than one work by the same author, list them chronologically
  • each reference begins on a new line
  • is often double-spaced between each entry
  • is flushed to the left margin of the page
  • follows the correct punctuation and italicisation outlined in this guide
  • use parentheses around the year of publication
  • uses the abbreviation 'n.d.' (meaning no date) if date of publication is not known
  • use initials of all given names without spaces or punctuation in between e.g. - John Harold Smith will be listed Smith JH 
  • Every entry in your reference list should have a corresponding in-text citation in the body of your assessment.


1. Degrees and affiliations are not included in reference list, honorifics can be included as an aid to recognition but are irrelevant to the alphabetical order e.g. Dr. John Watson will be listed as Watson J

2. While there are no explicit guidelines for Harvard reference lists and line spacing, we recommend that you follow the information that is specified in your assessment task.

Sample reference list

Please note: the sample reference list below uses single line spacing for display purposes.


AITSL (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership) (2017) Australian professional standard for principals [online document], AITSL, accessed 14 June 2021,

Althaus C, Bridgman P and Davis G (2007) A policy cycle: Australian policy handbook, Allen & Unwin, Sydney.

ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) (2021) Childhood education and care, ABS website, accessed 14 June 2021,

Ball S, Maguire M, Braun A and Hoskins K (2011) 'Policy subjects and policy actors in schools: some necessary but insufficient analysis', Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 32(4):611-624.

Barnes CR (2005) Library at dawn [photograph], Canberra.

Khan R (2021) 'Vital sign assessment', in Koutoukidis G and Stainton K (eds) Tabbner's nursing care, 8th edn, Elsevier, accessed 15 June 2020,

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