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Episode of TV Series

Note 1: Use the name of the director if known, otherwise use the name of the producer. Use the words [television program] after the title in square brackets. If the episode has a name, use it, otherwise use the name of the program and the episode and season number.


In-text Citation

Rule: (Title of Segment Year of production)

(Interview with Julia Deville 2008)

Reference List

Rule: Director D (director) or Producer P (producer) (Year) ‘Title of episode: subtitle of episode’ [television program], Name of series (season number, episode number), Name of Station or Studio, Place of Production.

Feig P (director) (2005) 'Halloween' [television program], The office (season 2, episode 5), NBC, US.

Denton A (2008) 'Stuart Appleby and Dr Phillip Zimbardo: interview with Julia Deville' [television program], Enough rope with Andrew Denton (season 6, episode 34), Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Sydney.  

Radio Program

In-text Citation

Rule: (Presenter Year)

(Harper 2020)


Reference List

Rule: Presenter P (presenter) (Day Month Year) ‘Title of episode: subtitle of episode’ [radio program], Name of program, Name of Station or Studio, Place of Production.

Harper H (presenter) (13 October 2020) 'Best practice for using music to benefit those living with dementia' [radio program], Life matters, ABC Radio National, Melbourne. 

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