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Referencing (TAFE)


MIMS Online functions like a database but it is basically the electronic version of the original print publication called Monthly Index of Medical Specialties.

Because it is a reference guide (like an encyclopedia) a topic article in MIMS Online can be referenced as an encyclopedia article without author or editor names.

In-text Citation

(Title, Year)

(Abisart, 2019)

Reference List
Product name. (Year of most recent update). In Database name. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https://xxxxx

Abisart. (2019). In MIMS Online. Retrieved November 12, 2019, from https://www-mimsonline- &PreviousPage=~/Search/QuickSearch.aspx&SearchType=&ID=127880001_2

The year is the copyright date directly under the product name at the top of the page.

The date retrieved needs to be included when information is regularly updated.

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