In-text Citation
Note: Use the abbreviation for the organisation's name in all in-text citations.
Rule: (Author OR Abbreviation of organisation Year)
(DFAT 2016)
Rule: (Author OR Abbreviation of organisation Year:page or paragraph number)
(DFAT 2016:13)
Reference List
Rule: Author A (Day Month Year) Title of media release: subtitle of media release [media release], Organisation name, accessed Day Month Year, URL.
ACT Government (4 February 2020) ACT has highest student participation and employment [media release], ACT Government, accessed 5 February 2020,
In-text Citation
Note: Use the abbreviation for the organisation's name in all in-text citations.
Rule: (Abbreviation of organisation Year)
(ABS 2019)
Rule: (Abbreviation of organisation Year:page or paragraph number)
ABS (2019:4)
Reference List
Rule: ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) (Year) Title of publication, ABS website, accessed Day Month Year, http://xxxx.
ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) (2020) Business indicators, business impacts of COVID-19, ABS website, accessed 22 January 2021,
In-text Citation
Rule: (Author Year)
(Standards Australia 2016)
Rule: (Author Year:page or paragraph number)
(Standards Australia 2016:2)
Reference List
Rule: Author AA (Year) standard number, Standard name, edition number, accessed Day Month Year, http://xxxx.
Standards Australia (2018) AS ISO 23081.1:2018: Information and documentation - records management processes: metadata for records: principles, Part 1: principles, accessed 14 April 2021,
In-text Citation
Rule: (Author Year)
(Queensland Courts 2012)
Rule: (Author Year:page or paragraph number)
(Queensland Courts 2012:3)
Reference List
Rule: Corporate Author (Year) Title of work, Report/file number, Organisation, accessed Day Month Year, http://xxxx.
Queensland Courts (2012) Inquest into the death of Shane Paul Krog, File No. COR 2006/61, Queensland Courts, accessed 19 December 2016,
In-text Citation
Rule: (Author Year:page number)
(House of Representatives 2019:3832)
Reference List
Note: To reference Hansard use the volume and page number.
Rule: Name of Parliamentary Committee or House (Year) Debates, volume:page-page.
Australian Senate (2018) Debates, S25:65-68.
Note: Official Australian Parliament records may be from the Journals of the Senate or the Votes and Proceeding of the House of Representatives.
Rule: Name of Parliamentary House (Year) Journals or Votes and Proceedings, (issue):page-page OR volume:page-page.
Australian Senate (2000-01) Journals, (123):718.
Australian House of Representatives (2000-01) Votes and Proceedings,1:631.