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Published Thesis

In-text citation

(Author, Year)

(Culpin, 2018)

(Kerr, 2011)

Author (Year)

Culpin (2018)

Kerr (2011)

Reference list

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of dissertation (Publication No. 'if available') [Doctoral dissertation, Name of Institution Awarding the Degree]. Database Name/Archive Name. https://xxxxx

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of thesis [Master’s thesis, Name of Institution Awarding the Degree]. Database Name/Archive Name. https://xxxxx

Culpin, S. (2018). Effects of long-term participation in tennis on cognitive function in elderly individuals [Masters thesis, Edith Cowan University]. Research Online.

Kerr, L. A. (2011). The educational production of students at risk [Masters thesis, University of Toronto]. Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global.

If the URL link gives the reader access, then include the URL if the database requires a log in to view than only include the database name.

Unpublished Thesis

In-text citation

(Author, Year)

(Imber, 2003)

Reference list 

Author, A. A. (Year of completion). Title of dissertation [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Name of Institution Awarding the Degree.

Author, A. A. (Year of completion). Title of thesis [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Name of Institution Awarding the Degree.

Imber, A. (2003). Applicant reactions to graduate recruitment and selection [Unpublished Doctoral dissertation]. Monash University.

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