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Referencing (TAFE)

Safety Data Sheet

Find the author in the details of the supplier of the safety data sheet section. 

In-text citation 

(Author, Year of last update).

(Chemwatch, 2021)

(Polo Citrus Australia, 2024)

Reference list

Author, A. (Year of last update). Title of safety data sheet (Data sheet number) [Safety data sheet]. https//:xxx

Chemwatch. (2021). A1 Chemicals Bleach (11-26377) [Safety data sheet].

Polo Citrus Australia. (2024). Bleach [Safety data sheet].

The first example is of a SDS created by the Chemwatch Database only available in the database. There is no permalink available to document, provide the URL to log in page instead.

The second example is of a SDS created by the supplier and available on the internet.

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