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Legal Sources

“In APA Style, most legal materials are cited in the standard legal citation style used for legal references across all disciplines (American Psychological Society, 2020, p. 355).

The Australian guide to legal citation is available from Melbourne University HERE. Note: Legal referencing generally uses footnotes.

In-text citation

For in-text use the same format as the reference list with the addition of a pinpoint at the end.

A pinpoint reference refers to a specific section, page or paragraph number of the legal source. 

Title Year (Jurisdiction), pinpoint

The Criminal Code Act 1899 (Qld), s2 sets out…

Reference List
Case Law

Litigant v Defendant (Year) | Volume  Journal Page no.

Calverley v Green (1984) 115 CLR 242.

Reference within a Case

Litigant v Defendant (Year) Volume number Journal start, finish (Judge).

Calverley v Green (1984) 115 CLR 242,250 (Gibbs CJ).

Legislation (Acts of Parliament)

Title Year (Jurisdiction)

Crimes Act 1914 (Cth).


Bill Name Year (Jurisdiction).

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Reform (Closing the Hole in the Ozone Layer) Bill 2022 (Cth).

Jurisdictions are always abbreviated.





Australian Capital Territory


New South Wales


Northern Territory




South Australia






Western Australia


Coroners Report

In-text citation

(Coroners Name, Year)

The inquest into the death of Andrew John Thwaites (Clements, 2018) found that the death was ...

Reference List

Coroners Name. (Year of publication). Title of report (Report number). Publisher. htttps//:xxxxx

Clements, C. (2018). Inquest into the death of Andrew John Thwaites (File NO. COR 2016/3336). Queensland Courts.

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