New Library Catalogue experience coming soon!
We’re updating our library’s discovery system (aka the online portal that allows you to search TAFE Queensland's subscriptions and resources) to make it easier and more fun to find and use resources. Here are some of the cool new features:
- Personalized Dashboards: Tailored to your preferences.
- New Sharing Options: Easily share and like resources.
- eBook Reading: Enjoy reading eBooks directly.
The new interface is user-friendly, helping you refine, save, and share search results more intuitively.
Key Updates:
- Filters: Access them in a new, easier way.
- Concept Map: A visual tool to explore related topics and concepts.
Please note a couple of changes when using the new catalogue:
- The first time you access the library catalogue after 9th December, you will be required to confirm consent to EBSCO’s Personal Data Retention and Usage Policy. Confirming this will enable you to access the full functionality of our new catalogue.
- Any users who currently use Custom folders to save journal articles can access these with limited functionality using a link on the left-hand side of the catalogue results page.
Please contact the library via our Ask a Librarian service should you have any questions or issues.