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Information for Students

Introduction to the Library

​​​​​​Welcome to the library! In this section of the guide you will find information to help you with: 

Your library account

Your library account can be accessed online.  

Go to the TAFE Queensland Libraries website and Login to my library account.  

When accessing the database, use the following details if prompted to sign in:

Email =
Password = your Connect/network password

Once logged in you have access to the self-help options below:

  • renew loans and place reservations through your personal library account (MyAccount)
  • use #quickfind to search databases, eBooks and videos.

Borrowing, renewals and overdue items

To borrow, use your student ID card at the self-check-out kiosk or speak to library staff at the counter. You can borrow up to 15 items at any one time.

The following graph outlines borrowing options:

Type of item

Maximum number allowed

Loan period



28 days

General 7-day loan

4 7 days



14 days



28 days



28 days


Resources should be returned on or before the due date. 

Renewals Overdue Loans

Renewing items:

To renew items, log into your library account and follow the instructions in the FAQ - "How can I renew my loan?

Please note, borrowers will be entitled to 2 renewals on loans before an item must be returned for sighting by Library staff.

Renewals cannot be made for items that have holds or recall notices against them, or if the item(s) have already been renewed twice.

Borrowers will not be able to renew items if their library enrolment has expired.

Overdue items:

As a courtesy, an overdue reminder message will be sent via SMS before an item is due. 

An Overdue Reminder message to return or renew your books will also be sent via SMS when items are 1 week overdue.

Failure to renew or return the overdue items will result in the loss of borrowing privileges.



You can reserve an item when:

  • The item you want is on loan and you want to borrow it when it is returned.
  • You would like an item held at the library (one week) until you can collect it.
  • You want to borrow and collect an item from a different location to where you are studying. Note: Allow three working days if the item has to be transferred to that location before you call to collect it.

To reserve an item:

  • Search the library catalogue and find your item. Click on the title to open the record.
  • Click Access Options and select Retrieve Item or Place Reservation
  • When accessing the database, use the following details if prompted to sign in:

    Email =
    Password = your Connect/network passwor

  • Select Place Reservation
  • Select your preferred location from the Pickup location drop down menu. If you are an online, external, distance, or correspondence student who wants to borrow an item/s and have it posted to you, select Z_External Borrower - Please post.  

Please Note: If you choose to have this resource posted, you may be responsible for the cost associated with returning this item by the due date. Please contact your library to discuss this matter.

To cancel a reservation:

You can cancel your reservations if you no longer need them.

  • Login to MyAccount on the library website.
  • Select Reservations not yet available.
  • Tick the titles you no longer need.
  • Select cancel selections or cancel all.

To reserve a number of items:

You can reserve a number of items at the same time. 

  • Search the library to find items
  • From the results list of brief records, use the check boxes to select the titles you wish to reserve
  • At the top or bottom of the page select Reserve Selections
  • When accessing the database, use the following details if prompted to sign in:

    Email =
    Password = your Connect/network password

  • Select your preferred location from the Pickup location drop down menu. If you are an online, external, distance, or correspondence student who wants to borrow an item/s and have it posted to you, select Z_External Borrower - Please post.  
  • Select Submit

Please Note: If you choose to have several items posted to you, you may be responsible for costs associated with returning these items to the library by the due date.  Please contact your library to discuss this matter.

Subject Guides

Subject Guides have been created to assist you to locate appropriate resources to complete your assessments.

There is a Subject Guide for your particular area of study.

There are also Subject Guides to help you study:

Subject Guides can also be found via the library home page.

Using the catalogue

Library website

The library website allows you to search for books, eBooks, journal articles, databases and videos.

You can search both on campus and at home.

Your library account allows you to make reservations and access online resources 24/7.


Use the #quickfind search tool to search the library for books, articles, DVDs and more.

For a basic search you can enter your topic words (keywords) in the search box and hit the Search button.

  • The search results will be displayed showing brief details, including location and availability details.
  • Click on a title to display full details including location and availability details.
  • Take note of the Call Number as this is where you will find the item on the shelves.
  • Also note any Access Details to see if there are copies available for loan.
  • You will need to log in to access online resources such as databases, streamed videos and e-books (see below)
Logging in

When accessing the database, use the following details if prompted to sign in:

Email =
Password = your Connect/network password

Finding items on the shelf

Searching the catalogue

Follow the steps in the "searching the catalogue" to locate the item you're looking for. When you have found an item in our online catalogue, look at the record and note the following details:

  • Call number

    A code containing a combination of letters and numbers. It's used to identify an item and show its address on the library shelf. 

  • Location

    Check which campus library holds the item.

  • Collection

    The library is divided into different sections.

    • General: Most items can be borrowed. Some items may not if they are rare and valuable. These items are usually identified by a Not For Loan sticker on the spine.

    • 7 Day Loans: These resources can only be borrowed for 7 days at a time because they are in high demand. A shorter loan period means more students can access the book faster. It is possible to renew your loan if no one else needs the resource. 

    • Language and Literacy books to help students improve their spoken and written English. These are often in a special section within the library.

    • Journals: Serials, journals and magazines are the same thing. Print copies are available for borrowing from boxes on the shelves where they are stored in order of publication date. Electronic copies of serials can be accessed online or from databases. (See next TAB: Online resources)

    • Held at desk: Very special items may be kept behind the Circulation Desk. These items may have been bought for a particular class or subject and special privileges are required to borrow them.

  • Status

    Is it on loan?
    Is it a new item and still being processed?
    Is it a 'Not for loan' item?
    When items are in heavy demand, they can only be used in the library, to ensure everyone has access. Once the demand ceases, the 'Not for loan' status is removed.

Browsing the shelves If you know where items on a subject are located you may find what you need by browsing the shelves. All items on a particular topic are grouped together so they sit beside each other on the shelves.
What do I do if the item isn’t on the shelf? Ask the library for help. 
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