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TAFE Queensland Library Network
Community Services
Youth Work
CHCAOD001 - Work in and alcohol and other drugs context
Youth Work
Youth Work Home
You Can't Ask That - Television Series
Certificate IV in Youth Work
CHCDIV001 & CHCDIV002 - Cultural & Diversity Cluster
HLTWHS001 & CHCLEG001 - Work legally and ethically according to workplace health and safety cluster
CHCYTH013 & CHCYTH014 - Working with Young People 2 Cluster
CHCYTH015 - Support young people to create opportunities in their lives
CHCYTH022 - Provide services for the needs and circumstances of young people
CHCCOM002 - Use communication to build relationships
CHCMHS007 - Work effectively in trauma informed care
CHCMHS001 - Work with people with mental health issues
CHCDFV001 - Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence
CHCAOD001 - Work in and alcohol and other drugs context
CHCGRP002 - Plan and conduct group activities
CHCPRT025 & CHCYTH016 - Responding to risk cluster
CHCSOH013 - Work with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness
Diploma of Youth Work
CHCDIV001 & CHCDIV002 - Culture & Diversity Cluster
HLTWHS003 - Maintain work health and safety
CHCLEG003 - Manage legal and ethical compliance
CHCCOM002 - Use communication to build relationships
CHCMHS001 & CHCCCS004 - Mental health cluster
CHCDEV005 - Analyse impacts of sociological factors on people in community work and services
CHCGRP002 - Plan and conduct group activities
CHCAOD001 - Work in and alcohol and other drugs context
CHCDFV001 - Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence
CHCYTH013 & CHCYTH014 - Working with Young People 2 Cluster
CHCYTH022 & CHCCSM013 - Case management 2 cluster
CHCPRT025 - Identify and report children and young people at risk
CHCSOH013 - Work with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness
CHCCCS007 & CHCPRP001 _ Networking and service programs cluster
CHCYTH024 - Manage service response to young people in crisis
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New Titles
Book Resources
Decolonising Justice for Aboriginal Youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Addiction: a guide to understanding its nature and essence
Addictions elements history treatments and research
Alcohol and Tobacco
Alcohol: Neurobiology of addiction
Co-morbid substance use and mental health - focus on the needs of young people
Dual Diagnosis
Fundamentals of addiction: a practical guide for counsellors
Karch's drug abuse handbook
Learning the language of Addiction Counseling
Recovery Skills Manual : An Implementation Guide for Addiction Care
Substance Abuse, Assessment and Addiction
The behavioural addictions
Addiction treatment : a strengths perspective
Addiction, attachment, trauma, and recovery : the power of connection
Breaking the Ice
Chasing the scream
Developing competencies for recovery : mastering addiction, living well and doing good
Drug Use in Australian Society
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction
The Neuroscience of Addiction
Web Resouces
Streaming Videos
Alcohol and Other Drugs
Everything You Think You Know About Addiction is Wrong
Understanding Addiction – Rat Park
Addicted Australia
The best explanation of addiction I have ever heard
- Dr Gabor Mate
Addiction Counselling : their Role in Recovery
Alcohol and Drug Foundation
How alcohol affects your health
What is Addiction
Addiction Science
Positive Choices - Drug & Alcohol Information
Alcohol & Drug Services - Addiction, Treatment, Recovery Videos
National Drug Strategy Australia 2017-2026
CHCGRP002 - Plan and conduct group activities
CHCDFV001 - Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence >>
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