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TAFE Queensland Library Network
Community Services
Youth Work
CHCYTH013 & CHCYTH014 - Working with Young People 2 Cluster
Youth Work
Youth Work Home
You Can't Ask That - Television Series
Certificate IV in Youth Work
CHCDIV001 & CHCDIV002 - Cultural & Diversity Cluster
HLTWHS001 & CHCLEG001 - Work legally and ethically according to workplace health and safety cluster
CHCYTH013 & CHCYTH014 - Working with Young People 2 Cluster
CHCYTH015 - Support young people to create opportunities in their lives
CHCYTH022 - Provide services for the needs and circumstances of young people
CHCCOM002 - Use communication to build relationships
CHCMHS007 - Work effectively in trauma informed care
CHCMHS001 - Work with people with mental health issues
CHCDFV001 - Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence
CHCAOD001 - Work in and alcohol and other drugs context
CHCGRP002 - Plan and conduct group activities
CHCPRT025 & CHCYTH016 - Responding to risk cluster
CHCSOH013 - Work with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness
Diploma of Youth Work
CHCDIV001 & CHCDIV002 - Culture & Diversity Cluster
HLTWHS003 - Maintain work health and safety
CHCLEG003 - Manage legal and ethical compliance
CHCCOM002 - Use communication to build relationships
CHCMHS001 & CHCCCS004 - Mental health cluster
CHCDEV005 - Analyse impacts of sociological factors on people in community work and services
CHCGRP002 - Plan and conduct group activities
CHCAOD001 - Work in and alcohol and other drugs context
CHCDFV001 - Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence
CHCYTH013 & CHCYTH014 - Working with Young People 2 Cluster
CHCYTH022 & CHCCSM013 - Case management 2 cluster
CHCPRT025 - Identify and report children and young people at risk
CHCSOH013 - Work with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness
CHCCCS007 & CHCPRP001 _ Networking and service programs cluster
CHCYTH024 - Manage service response to young people in crisis
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New Titles
Book Resources
The SAGE handbook of youth work practice
Handbook of positive youth development
Life-Span human development
Reflective practice in child and youth care a manual
With Children and Youth
Responding to Youth Violence through Youth Work
Working with Adolescents
Youth Work Process, Product and Practice
Youth Work: Preparation for Practice
Managing modern youth work
The neuroscience of adolescence
Life-span development by John Santrock
Youth cultures and sub cultures : Australian perspectives
Wired youth : the online social world of adolescence
Dilemmas in Youth Work and Youth Development Practice
Essential Skills for Youth Work Practice
Web Links
Reports and Surveys
Peak Bodies
Risk Taking
Youth Survey Report
Models of Youth work intervention
A safer Queensland
Youth Justice consultation
YACWA Code of ethics
Sigmund Freud
Erik Erikson - Psychosocial Stage Theory
Ivan Pavlov
Jean Piaget Cognitive Development Stage Theory
Lev Vygotsky - Zone of proximal development
Australian Community Workers Association
CREATE Foundation
PeakCare Queensland
Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS)
Youth Affairs Network of Queensland (YANQ)
Understanding risk taking behaviour
The current landscape of adolescent risk taking behaviour
Mission Australia Youth Survey Report 2022
Disability Services Act 2006
Mental Health Act 2016
Aged Care Act 1997
Forensic Disability Act 2011
Guardianship and Administration Act 2000
Public Guardian Act 2014
Anti-Discrimination Act 1991
Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Age Discrimination Act 2004
Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Child Protection Act 1999
Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012
Youth Justice A
ct 1992
Community Services Act 2007
Privacy Act 1988
Information Privacy Act 2009
Queensland Civil and Administrative Act 2009
Housing Act 2003
International Treaties and Conventions
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
The Convention on the Rights of the Child - For Youth
HLTWHS001 & CHCLEG001 - Work legally and ethically according to workplace health and safety cluster
CHCYTH015 - Support young people to create opportunities in their lives >>
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