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TAFE Queensland Library Network
Community Services
Child Protection
Maintain a safe environment for at-risk children cluster
Child Protection
Child Protection
Professional Development
You Can't Ask That - Television Series
Recommended Databases
Cert IV in Child Youth and Family Intervention
Communication to build relationships
Cultural diversity cluster
Domestic and family violence
Maintain a safe environment for at-risk children cluster
Respond to developmental needs of children cluster
Trauma informed approach to mental health 2 cluster
Work within a practice framework to suport at-risk children cluster
Work legally and ethically according to WHS cluster
Family support cluster
Residential care cluster
Diploma in Child Youth and Family Intervention
Assessing co-existing needs
Case management 3 cluster
Cultural diversity cluster
Domestic and family violence
Enhancing professional practice 3 cluster
Increase the safety of individuals at risk of suicide
Child protection 2 cluster
Mental health
Workplace health and safety
Work with individuals presenting with complex trauma
Work within a practice framework cluster
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New Titles
Cultural diversity in child protection : cultural competence in practice
Working ethically in child protection
Practical guide to child protection
The complete guide to self care
Teaching Aboriginal Cultural Competence
Trauma-Informed Assessment with Children and Adolescents
Childhood exposure to violence and Psychological Implications
Domestic and family violence services. Practice principles, standards and guidance
Strengths based child protection : fair firm and friendly
Cultural safety in trauma-informed practice from a first nations perspective: billabongs of knowledge
Cultural diversity : a primer for human services
Trauma-Informed Care
The simple guide to child trauma
The Body Keeps the Score
Understanding and assessing trauma in children and adolescents : measures methods and youth in context
Streaming Videos
Principles surrounding Child Protection
Peak Bodies
Child Development
Trauma & Dissociation in Children 1 : Behavioral Impacts
Understanding complex trauma
Adverse Childhood Experiences - Bessel van der Kolk
What is trauma by the author of The Body Keeps the Score
The convention on the rights of the child (child friendly version)
Safe and Supported: the National Framework for Protecting Australia's Children 2021- 2031
Child Protection Act 1999 (Queensland)
Strengthening Families Protecting Children
Framework for Practice
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child placement principle
Roadmap for Residential Care in Queensland
Peakcare Queensland
CREATE Foundation
Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Protection Peak Ltd
hild Development Charts
Child Development Milestones
Child Development by Age
Domestic and family violence
Respond to developmental needs of children cluster >>
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