Step 1 - Where is it?:
Select the Library link from your region's website.The web address is:
Step 2 - Searching:
Input your search keywords or title in #Quickfind box
Step 3 - Refining results:
Select the title to view the specific title record or refine using the options provided in the left navigation area including choosing either books (hardcopy resources) or ebooks.
Note: default search results will show all formats and will need further searching to refine.
Step 4 - Accessing resources:
Hardcopy resources: Select the link Retrieve Item or Place Reservation. This will show locations where items are held and reservations can be placed.
Online resources: Select PDF Full Text (EBSCO titles) or View Resource Online (Proquest titles) links.
Note: you'll be prompted to login. To login use your student number and your password if you have forgotten your password you can use your date of birth (ddmmyyyy)
Step 5 - Bookmarking:
To revisit the resource or chapter of any ebook, select to copy the url of Permalink (EBSCO) or Share link (Proquest)