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TAFE Queensland Library Network
Community Services
Disability Support
Person centred behaviour support cluster
Disability Support
Disability Support Home
Community inclusion and skill development cluster
Communication with augmentative and alternative communication needs
Legal and ethical
Person centred behaviour support cluster
Person centred services to people with disability with complex needs
Prepare for NDIS Support Co-Ordination
Work health and safety
Work with people with mental health issues
Supplementary Learner Resources CHCDIS003 CHCDIS007
You Can't Ask That - Television Series
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Career Help
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New Titles
Active support : enabling and empowering people with intellectual disabilities
Appreciative healthcare practice : a guide to compassionate person centred care
Augmentative and alternative communication : supporting children and adults with complex communication needs
Becoming trauma informed
Effective Communication : A Guide for the People Professions
Restrictive practices in health Care and Disability Settings : Legal, Policy and Practical Responses
Rights, risk and restraint - free care of older people : person-centred approaches in health and social care
Supporting positive behaviours in intellectual disabilities and autism
Supporting positive behaviours : a workbook for social care workers
The Australian autism handbook
Communication :core interpersonal skills for healthcare professionals
Fundamentals of person-centred healthcare practice
Intellectual disabilities : towards inclusion
Mental health: a person centred approach
Positive behaviour support for people with intellectual disability evidence-based practice, promoting quality of life
Trauma the invisible epidemic : how trauma works and how we can heal from it
The A - Z of special needs
The body keeps the score
Web Links
Web Links
Unauthorised use of restrictive practices
Positive behaviour support capability framework
Positive behaviour support - Aspect
The Challenging behaviour foundation
Positive behaviour support and managing high risk behaviours
National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013
National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018
Disability Services Act 2006
Guardianship and Administration Act 2000.
Unauthorised uses of restrictive practices in the National Disability Insurance Scheme
Legal and ethical
Person centred services to people with disability with complex needs >>
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