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Language, Literacy and Numeracy


Meet your Librarian - James Bligh

Welcome to TAFE Queensland Libraries Core Skills for Employment and Training Subject Guide.Librarian

My name is James Bligh and I am your Core Skills for Employment and Training librarian.
I can be contacted by phone - 07 55818248 or email -

The library has a huge range of information resources that will help you with your studies. Use this subject guide to find the most relevant resources. We liaise with your teachers to ensure that you have high quality information available on campus, and at home.

How to access the online library

Step 1 - Where is it?:
Select the Library link from your region's website.The web address is:

Step 2 - Searching:
Input your search keywords or title in #Quickfind box

Step 3 - Refining results:
Select the title to view the specific title record or refine using the options provided in the left navigation area including choosing either books (hardcopy resources) or ebooks.
Note: default search results will show all formats and will need further searching to refine.

Step 4 - Accessing resources:
Hardcopy resources: Select the link Retrieve Item or Place Reservation.  This will show locations where items are held and reservations can be placed.

Online resources: Select PDF Full Text (EBSCO titles) or View Resource Online (Proquest titles) links.
Note: you'll be prompted to login. To login use your student number and your password if you have forgotten your password you can use your date of birth (ddmmyyyy)

Step 5 - Bookmarking:
To revisit the resource or chapter of any ebook, select to copy the url of Permalink (EBSCO)  or Share link (Proquest)

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