This page provides suggestions for content relating to Certificate II in Autonomous Technologies
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Introductory Programming
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
Python Automation Cookbook: Explore the World of Automation Using Python Recipes That Will Enhance Your Skills
Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development: From Concept to Playable Game with Unity and C#
Java Programming 24-Hour Trainer
Python Programming: A Practical Approach
JavaScript Programming: 3 In 1 Security Design, Expressions and Web Development
Python Networking 101: Navigating essentials of networking, socket programming, AsyncIO, network testing, simulations and Ansible
Mastering Python Networking: Utilize Python Packages and Frameworks for Network Automation, Monitoring, Cloud, and Management
Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development: From Concept to Playable Game with Unity and C#
Autonomous Technology & Vehicles
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