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Research Techniques

Tips for searching databases

  1. Choose an appropriate database 
  2. Know what you are searching for
  3. Choose your search terms carefully
  4. Try phrase searching
  5. Combine search terms (also known as Boolean searching- using "and", "or" or "not")
  6. Try variations of search terms and truncation.  For instance symbol* will also find records that include "symbols" and "symbolism".
  7. Limit or refine your search results.
  8. If you find a useful resource look at the subject headings listed in the record.  Click on them to (potentially) find additional information.
  9. Check the biblographies of articles you've found useful because you might find additional references. 
  10. Don't forget you can ask a Librarian for help! 

Short YouTube Videos:

Citations and abbreviations are used in law practice and study. Understanding industry citations and abbreviations is an important skill for justice students.

Primary Sources 


Parties' names in italics | [Year] | Court abbreviation | Starting page 

Example:  Guilfoyle v Wicks [2020] QMC 11                                                                       QMC = Queensland Magistrates Court


Parties' names in italics | (Year) | Volume | Law Report abbreviation | Starting page Pinpoint.

Example:  Alati v Kruger (1955) 94 CLR 216, 218.                                                              CLR = Commonwealth Law Report


To search for cases enter just the Parties section or omit it from the rest of the citation: 

So either:            Guilfoyle v Wicks                 OR                 [2020] QMC 11 


So either:            Alati v Kruger                       OR                 (1955) 94 CLR 216



Treaty Title in italics | Parties' Names | Date Opened for Signature OR signed day month year | Treaty Series | Enter into Force Art OR Pinpoint

Example:  Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, opened for signature 9 December 194878 UNTS 277 (entered into force 12 January 1951) art 4.


  • RULE:              Names of states parties with more than three signatories should not be included after the treaty title.



TS = Treaty Series

TIF = Treaty In Force

TIAS = Treaties & Other International Acts Series

ATS = Australian Treaty Series

ATNIF = Australian Treaty Not In Force

ETS =  European Treaty Series

CTS =  Consolidated Treaty Series


To search for specific treaties enter the Treaty Series section: 

Example:  78 UNTS 277

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